Our Label

Independent French label since 2008, Crazy Times Records will bring you the best sound you can dream of. With the help and support of artists and groups: Nico Duportal, Jack Face & the Rustic Echoes, The Boppin’ Gliesers, Pete and the Starphonics, Al Willis & The New Swingsters, The King Baker’s Combo, Las Vargas, The Bonneville Barons, The Rockhouse Trio, The Noisy Boys, The Atomics, The Tawny Owls, The Rockin’ James Trio, The Grizzly Family, Little Bastard, etc.

Vous pouvez toujours commander sur notre site, les commandes en cours seront expédiées le Lundi 22 Juillet. Puis, nous sommes en vacances du 23 au 30 Juillet, nos expéditions reprendront à partir du 01 Aout 2024.
Bien cordialement,

You can make an order on our site, current orders will be shipped on Monday, July 22.
Then, we are on holidays from 23 to 30 July, our expeditions will resume from 01 August 2024.
Best regards,

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